Rest, Reflection and Renewal
I have just finished a week of vacation and have to admit that it isn’t easy to slow down and not do any work or think about what’s happening. I have been blessed over the years to be raised in a family where we did take vacations every year. My father was in the Air Force and actually got a month off which meant that we did a variety of things over the years in addition to the typical visiting of all the relatives. I was also not raised in a strict setting when it came to what we could or couldn’t do on Sundays or the Lord’s Day. We did church as a family when I was growing up and when my dad was home this was special as we spent the day together. I did marry into a more traditional setting where doing anything on Sunday outside of church or rest was frowned upon a little. (I do have some memories of my father in-law watching a football game.)
My point in writing this blog is to admit my need for rest, reflection and renewal. I confess that I am one to dive into my work and be always attempting to squeeze more into the time that I have left. Working out of my house does make it easy to focus on something or at least feel self-imposed pressure. We do take family vacations and I have kidnapped Anne to do special little getaways. I don’t want to be the legalist that beats myself up for not taking a day off or feeling guilty for taking a nap in the afternoon before a meeting at night.
It doesn’t take much to discover that the Lord God Himself is the one who created the notion of rest and taking a day to reflect on the creation of the universe. I also believe that there is a connection between rest, being able to reflect and be creative as individuals, families and churches. Again as you look at the creation account in Genesis it is obvious that God is the master artist and designer who then instills in his creation a similar passion for beauty.
Ok back to my personal dilemma of taking little bits and big bits of time to chill, reflect and recharge. I know that I have learned the blessing of my big leather couch and listening to my ipod as I read or just veg. I also see the need for planning both on a daily basis and bigger picture setting to insure that I don’t burn out. It is too easy to put things off or believe that I don’t need the rest or that it isn’t profitable. I don’t want to be overly focused on my calendar but it might help. I know that I am learning to schedule people days and study days instead of trying to juggle both in the same day. It is also true that having few distractions can help me accomplish a lot in a short period of time instead of answering the phone or being the nerd who has to answer e-mail as it arrives.
I know that Jesus was great at getting away early in the morning to be alone and connect with His Father. I have been blessed with a wife who usually wakes early and wants to go for a jog/walk with our dogs. I am also the one who sins by staying up too late on occasion and not going to bed as early as I should. I have to admit that going to bed early isn’t totally a sign of old age or a boring life. I know that disciples were shocked to find Jesus out before dawn and also shocked to see him sound asleep in the stern of the boat as the storm began to make them come unglued.
I also understand from a personal perspective that there is spiritual rest that comes from having a living ongoing relationship with Christ. There is a spiritual side to life that can be encouraged and grown from seeking God’s face on a daily basis. Prayer is a combination of experiences and expressions that allow the Spirit to work through our situations regardless of whether we are on the patio alone, driving to work or cleaning the house. I can worship and listen to the Spirit’s direction as live out my daily routine. The challenge comes to being able to be honest to my Anne and myself as to whether I am doing this enough.
I am going to have to stop so I can relax on my couch and listen to some tunes.
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