Monday, October 24, 2011

The Morning After the Wedding

I just recently rose from the grave or I mean slumber after an amazing day of having my daughter get married. There is so much anticipation with weddings and family events that some times it is a let down when everything actually happens. Yesterday was truly a dream come true. I know that as I age that beauty or being handsome isn’t something that one necessarily believes pertains to them. Yet, I was totally taken back by how beautiful my Anne, Heather and our bride Julie truly were gorgeous in a picture book fashion.

I am so thankful for family and friends who took the effort and expense to come to the wedding. I know that my Julie is given to details and the layout of the wedding itself was truly incredible. I am grateful that we had plenty of helpful hands to setup everything up. The theme, which hopefully will depict Chris and Julie, was traveling all over the world! So it was exciting to lift off from the guest book table with your little airplane and then land at your destination of Egypt, Yosemite, Guatemala, etc… Yes, every little detail was perfect and it was clear that everyone present loved the surroundings, the great food, drinks and even the slide show of Julie and Chris as little kids. I especially thought the DJ or should I say Taffiny did an excellent job between MC’ing and guiding the celebration.

This was a very joyous occasion for Anne and I but I have to admit to speak during the ceremony was a challenge. My mom died four years ago and there is sides of me that so much wanted her to see all of my kids get married. So as I shared my heart of love for my Julie, stopping a few times to control my tears. I almost laughed when someone, that didn’t know me, complimented me for being such an excellent speaker and I eventually told him, after he shared that he had numerous degrees on speech and communication, that I too made my living off of speaking.

My prayer was that people that had meant so much to my Julie’s growing up would be there to remind her of the legacy she has which is truly a gift of God. So I was excited to have Grandma Mary and her nephew Conn and his wife Catherine attend. I know that my dad, Grandpa, enjoyed listening to the crowd and loud music during the dance period of the celebration. It was sad to say good-bye to Ian and his family and my brother and his family before the celebration finished.

I was truly impressed with my son, Jon and his willingness to do the tux thing and really be part of his sister’s wedding without any incident. I chuckled when he changed from his shinny black fake shoes into his tennis shoes. I wish I had been astute enough to have brought my sandals and would have loved changing out of my fake shoes.

As I drove my dad, grandpa, back home I was so jazzed that he had been able to share in Julie’s special day! I was impressed that he could have sat for hours, ingested a gallon of coke and then totally ‘scarfed’ up all of his dinner including some incredible cake. He did comment that he was shocked at not having to use the rest room the whole night.

I know that a few times all of us commented how it was so great for all of the family on both sides to be together. We even had Eric, who is in Kabul, Skype us during our family reunion dinner on Saturday. We had everyone over to our house on Saturday evening to just ‘hang out’ and enjoy one another. It was a treat to listen to each one’s journey and the realization that we wouldn’t be together again until either a wedding or funeral.

I know that there isn’t such a thing as a picture book wedding or life but last night came fairly close. My true hope for my Julie and recently new addition to the family, Chris, is that they can see the importance and value of family.

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