Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Extended Family

We had a great Christmas treat with having one of our close friend’s daughters come and have dinner with us with her husband and family. I can think back and remember when Kath was just a little kid, like six or seven years old. Now she is married with kids almost that age. This is one of those neat stories of seeing someone who you have watched grow up and become an amazing mom, wife and lady.

It was great watching her two little guys play in our house, jump on the couch, scream at our bird, be afraid of the dogs and eat us out of chips and salsa. I know that Kath’s parents are so proud of her. She had graduated with her math degree and pursued grad school and was teaching when she got married. Kath is rather short, like my Anne and is married to this buff guy who is a cop – sheriff in a small town setting. He has a rather interesting partner – a German Shepherd. It was a joy getting to know him and hear his stories about his work, where he grew up and their love of CO.

We enjoyed hearing stories about her brothers and sister. The bitter sweet of this story was that her parents, best friends in the 80’s are now divorced. The dad remarried and the mom is waiting. This is one of the truly tragic stories in my life that as I step back am partially to blame for not being more pro-active in talking, confronting and being a better friend at a distance. It is true that people change and either grow closer or grow a part. I have a difficult time understanding how someone can profess to really know God in an intellectual way and then walk. I understand totally how Christians can push someone away from the church and not want to be involved. What I don’t understand is how you can emotionally let go of God and pretend that your past is over and doesn’t really matter.

What do you do in a circumstance like this? I pray, text once in a while and hopefully have a visit with his kids on occasion. This is a tragic story that doesn’t have a happy ending at present.

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