We live in a world where pragmatism and even common sense at
times rule our actions. I believe that common sense especially is an amazing
help to decision making and understanding the real essence of life. The
challenge is that being pragmatic doesn’t mean that just because something
works doesn’t mean that it is the best or preferable path to pursue. I know
that there have been numerous books written that portray the path from good to
great. The cost for pursuing excellence is great but ultimately worth it.
I work with at risk youth and adults who typically have
never seen nor experienced many or any who have pursued excellence and have
been willing to pay the price of giving of themselves to achieve greatness. The
challenge is that the pursuit of doing something that matters requires everyone
on this journey to ask for help, advice and coaching. I will be the first to
admit that it is so easy to act as if I know it all and truly suited to be a
life coach that pushes and motives others to go from seeing the cup half empty
to half full to overflowing. The reality for myself is that I need someone to
push me and help me be more aware of my need to be fresh and spiritual alive.
I had met with a good friend yesterday who asked a tough
question, ‘How do you stay on top of life when you are always giving and
going?’ I tried to explain that this was a very difficult question to answer
because the path to spiritual wholeness isn’t the same for everyone. I
proceeded to describe my normal routine of getting up early with my Anne,
walking our dogs on the canal, praying, talking and just being together. Yes,
at times I actually take naps and read. I shared the simple facts that having a
variety of close friends who are different but share similar passions help in
the pursuit of wholeness and embracing excellence.
As we sat around a tall table at Burger King in my
neighborhood our group of 12 talked about what has to happen to motivate
someone to go from being a procrastinator to someone who plans enough to be
ahead of the proverbial eight ball. One
of my guys, who is a college freshman, confessed to his procrastination and
said something that shocked me, ‘I want to be better at being ahead of the game
which means I have to plan ahead and keep a schedule.’ As I listened and saw
the eyes of my guy light up I knew that he was starting to get want it means to
pursue excellence in everything you do.
I know that my goal isn’t to say copy me and follow my lead
but there is a sense that everyone needs a special friend, teacher, dad or
grandpa to push to not quit and see that if you are going to do to something
that matters do it WELL! (This would have been my mom if you are going to do anything
at all do it with all your heart!)
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