Thursday, August 29, 2013

How do you handle the blahs?

I at times will put on this venire that I am doing great when in reality I’m in the blahs. It is so easy to allow the circumstances around us to stop us from being honest about how we are feeling, which I know is subjective but I end up having to go on automatic pilot at times. I know most have had the experience when driving where we will zone out or day dream and end up going in the opposite direction from your intended destination. So how do you deal with the bad days or the proverbial ‘black cloud’ that is following you all over?

I can be too quick to say just focus, do the obvious and get moving. Don’t stop and allow yourself to be in neutral. The problem is that too often we don’t allow ourselves real downtime where we don’t have to do much of anything. It is difficult to put down my iPhone and ignore texts or e-mails. It is too easy for me to fill my ical with busy instead of being more strategic. I know that just being still and not being productive is considered wasting time. Yet, what is refreshing for me often is just reading and being unattached.

I know that we live in an age of self-medication where this can be prescription drugs or doing things just for the sake of doing something. I have a friend who had just texted and admitted that at times he will take his kids out for fun and it costs money he doesn’t have. It doesn’t matter to him that a real bill hasn’t been paid because he is unable to think clear because of the blahs. I know that it was easy for me to text back a simple 1,2,3 type of quick fix but I know deep down inside it doesn’t work.

I’m fortunate in that I control most of my schedule or life choices at present. If I had to deal with a real boss, co-workers and pressure to perform it would be really different. So I know that the pressure I feel most of the time is self-inflicted yet I have standards and goals that I want to pursue and that causes pressure and tension. So what has to happen to for me to avoid the blahs or feeling like s-----?

I’m learning that feeling down or blue is part of life so I shouldn’t be shocked or overwhelmed when I feel this way. The question is what are some simple day to day ways to face the emotional tides in life? I know for me getting up early and spending time with my wife, walking the dogs and not rushing off to a meeting is key. (Yes, I can be late at times because of putting too much on my plate.) I also know that power napping and reading helps a lot. I know for some going on real vacation helps but many in today’s setting don’t have the privilege of this type of excursion.

I know that it is easy to go back to past platitudes like all grey clouds have silver lining or the popular when life hands you a lemon make lemonade. I know that learning to laugh at my failures or stress points can help me better understand that I’m not superman or any type of super hero but just normal average people living in the midst of sun shine, clouds, rain or even snow on occasion. 

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