Thursday, August 10, 2017

What difference does having HOPE make in your life or does it?

What is hope? How you answer this question will clearly impact the way you choose to live and how you face both good and tough times in life! According to Wikipedia hope is the following:
Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.

A well-known Christian pastor, John Piper, says the following about hope:
Our hope in God isn't just a wish or a dream, but a sure confidence that what God says will happen.

Common belief held by many is that what is most important in life is to believe in something,
Most people understand hope as wishful thinking, as in "I hope something will happen."

I was recently talking to a couple of friends who were at the end of their proverbial rope? One had threaten to physically hurt themselves and another friend responded to this individual’s cry for help. Sadly, no help came the way of the distressed individual. Another friend had hit a wall where everything seemed to go south between job, apartment, friends and any sense of hope or help in sight. Another friend had a difficult time believing that God was someone who loved them and would care about helping. Unfortunately, this friend truly believed that God caused all the crap in his/her life.

As I reflect on a few friends who are at the verge of taking their own lives is it possible for them to have the vitality, energy and zest to change their circumstances? I try not to chuckle at the person who says the following mantra that what matters most is that you believe in something. Doesn’t matter what, it’s more the act of just believing. As a philosophical junkie that got a degree in said topic believing in the imaginary pink elephant in the room isn’t going to make tomorrow any better. So, what is it that gives some people the ability to rise above the most horrible circumstances and become the change agent in their lives?

The pragmatist side of me cries out that hope must be more than just a feeling that things always get better. The downside of my life was watching my mom die a slow death as she fought cancer for 8 years. The difficulty was that my prayers and the prayers of my larger circle of friends didn’t get answered according to my will. Yet, my life lesson through this tragic saga was that my mom taught me about hope both in this life and the life to come.

Realized hope according to my mom’s living example was to not allow present tense life, regardless of how good or bad it is to stop you from committing to trust God, not circumstances, to give you the reason and zest to keep going with a positive attitude.  Hope ultimately is having a confidence in something or someone beyond you. I know that for some it’s easy to put hope in our own abilities until we falter or quit.

The difficulty for my friends who have given up on God or who have never had a belief in a higher power is that they end up becoming their only help in life. So, what is hope in this life for this person that could be you? I know a few things in life are certain beyond death and taxes, the sun will come up tomorrow, thanks to Orphan Annie or bigger picture for many is that mankind overall is basically good, except for the various communist tyrants in power?

I know that for many today their life motto becomes live life to the fullest each day because tomorrow might not come. Jean Paul Sartre, one of the great existentialist, initially affirmed his live life anyway you want until the war impinged on his life. Yes, taking sides in a war does become a moral issue as to whether there is such a thing as right and wrong.

So, yes having a real hope in life does matter and make a difference! The real question is what path are you following in life will determine whether you have a living HOPE based upon the ONE who created the universe!

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