Tuesday, September 6, 2016

It’s about them not YOU!

What ever happened to the golden rule? It ought not be the one with the gold rules but do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.  It’s truly sad and tragic that our society has gone from being more focused on caring and helping instead of allowing the supposed super stars to get the spotlight where lies and empty rhetoric seem to reign. I can’t fathom the extent of the devastation of the recent flood in Louisiana, yet it would seem that the world is more interested in the escapades of a few drunk swimmers and an alleged trashed bathroom or the ongoing saga of presidential hopefuls where flip flops and pivots take center stage instead of showing compassion to earthquake victims.

As the school season begins across the country there are classrooms that are full of little kids that have the potential of shaping and changing the world around us! What or who will inspire them to pursue excellence and goodness instead of focusing on getting even when wronged or seeing race as the defining factor instead of character or integrity?

I’m humbled and taken back by the real example of Kayla Mueller who left the comfort and safety of home to give her life in a war torn country among refuges? How is it possible for someone to be willing to put their life on the line for the sake kids, teens and adults that are forgotten by most of the world? Kayla’s amazing story shows her boldness and courage to stand up against her extremist captors and show no fear even in the face of being tortured and ultimately giving her life to make a difference.

The question everyone faces each morning is what are you going to do today to make the world a better place? Clearly if my focus is strictly on myself, my goals, my ambitions and my betterment the end result will be a society that is consumed with narcissists whose path is ongoing hedonism.  I was recently listening to a dialogue among some college students that had worked with inner city youth over the summer. I was humbled to hear their stories and the ultimate focus is that our lives are about helping, loving and befriending our kids and not be consumed with the latest app for my iPhone or Droid.

It has to be about them, the kids that are forgotten, otherwise our world will put our energy into building walls and promoting racial and social injustice instead of a table where all of us can sit down together, share a meal and listen to one another!

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