Friday, June 30, 2017

Does hate talk work?

I think many today assume unfortunately that bullying is going to happen in the locker room with adolescents but definitely not in the Oval Office! How is it possible that anyone would ever make an excuse or attempt an explanation to defend someone who continues to attack women in the most sadistic fashion. The words of my mom will always ring in my ears, ‘If you have nothing nice to say then DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!’ Does combating verbal fire with verbal fire quench the political battle before us? Does hatred and out right animosity make the world a better place?

I am amazed at how one of the commentators made the statement that the issue with the individual in the Oval Office wasn’t about tweets but about character. This struck me that the person who truly has a passion to pursue being all about value and character doesn’t seek to defend themselves but is willing to walk away and let the truth speak for itself! The only reason a person continues to hurl vitriolic talk is that they fear being exposed.

A week ago I had someone slam me for providing disciple to a youth by having this parent come and get their kid for unruly behavior. I was floored when the response was how bad I was as if I had caused the drama. The issue that struck, much like the tweets about a morning talk show host, was that this individual used foul mouth demeaning terms. Initially I couldn’t believe it but knew I had to let go and not respond.

I get it that when someone bad mouths you that the natural tendency is to respond in like fashion. The difficulty is that hate talk only begets hate talk whether that’s on Facebook, Twitter or any social media platform. The opportunity is to rise above the fray and be positive in the face of full out negative dissing. I was impressed by a group of Women Senators who regardless of party affiliation spoke and simply said ‘STOP IT’ this is beneath the dignity of the office.

What happens when the most powerful person in the universe chooses to hate talk and becomes the example for the youth of tomorrow? I can’t fathom having a discussion with my grandson in 4 years about respecting the office of the United States President but not approving of the actions of the individual. How tragic, sad and crazy that this type of discussion is taking place.

Why does a person choose hate talk as a platform of self-expression? Is it because of insecurity and fear of others discovering their true self, warts, zits and all? What ever happened to ‘turning the other cheek’ and being able to develop a thick skin that allows crazy stuff to roll off? Revenge has become the law of the land sadly. If someone hits you then the choice is whether you come back with a weapon or a big cousin to bring supposed justice.

Simply put by many yesterday, ‘STOP IT!’. Yes, an apology would help but at least recognize the continuing damage you are doing to our country and especially women!

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