I almost lost it a few days ago when I pulled up into an almost
empty parking lot except for a mom watching her kids. I admit that I pulled up
in my Truck and must have appeared like a drug dealer or a misplaced older
white guy. I was picking up a group of teen guys who had played basketball at
the park. I mistakenly pulled into the area parallel instead of perpendicular to
the court. I was on the phone talking so I couldn’t really hear this mom. She
seemed to scream at me that I shouldn’t be parking this way. I attempted to
explain I would be gone in a few minutes and did this really matter?
I was fortunate to have a wave of common sense come over me,
thank you Lord, instead of reacting to this demanding individual. I responded
by saying SORRY and then turned my truck around. Just as I did this the guys
jumped into the truck and we were off. I can’t fathom why this was so life
threatening that this required the lady to engage in a war?
If this wasn’t enough in the next minute or so I was at a
light getting ready to pull out after the green appeared only to be HONKED at
by the guy behind me. As I pulled away from the light this guy rushed around
me. As usual we ended up at the next light right next to each other. Did the
honking of the horn really help improve the flow of traffic that afternoon?
I have memories of pulling out of a parking lot with no
oncoming cars. Just as I get into my lane I see this car literally whip around
me and then crazy enough actually stops and almost causes me to hit him. Initially
I’m thinking he’s in this small little car and I’m in a truck with a big
bumper. Does he really want to play this game? Yet, he was totally serious and
almost seemed as if he wanted to fight. The incredible thing was that the light
changed as all of this was happening. My decision was do I engage this crazed
individual or just let it go. My blood pressure was still up because of having
to slam on my brakes so it wasn’t an easy choice.
Again, there was a supernatural force that stopped me from
becoming a statistic! I can’t fathom being so wacky as to engage into a cat and
mouse fight with a truck when I’m in a little car? What in the world is
happening? Why is there so much anger, bitterness and apparent hatred that
pushes someone to make a nonevent into a life and death emergency?
Life lesson for the new year is to stop reacting to the
people and ‘stuff’ around you and purposely learn how to catch your breath and
walk away. Why let your button be pushed?