Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Great Evening with a Local Guy and FBI Agent.

It is always incredible to watch a lightening storm happen before your eyes. We were sitting outside at my Starbucks doing a Job Life Skill Group. As we start the group the sun is just starting to set and the electrical light show begins. Usually lightening happens once in awhile but this was an ongoing display of the Almighty’s power. This was a great beginning for our time of hearing from two very different guys about their present life journeys between school, their interests, families and present life circumstances.

I was so jazzed that Anthony and his Shannon were able to come. Anthony just recently graduated from the University of Phoenix with a BA in Business. What makes this an amazing story is that Anthony grew up in South Phoenix with a mom that raised all of her kids without any help. So as Anthony shared his story of life without a dad it struck most of my teens. He’s just like us. His story focused on being a football fanatic that loved the sport and saw himself going pro. His first job was at the airport helping seniors in wheelchairs get from point A to point B. He described his life as a teen where he did school, worked, did football and slept on occasion. What drove him to live this way was his dream to make it to the pros.

Reality set in after getting into a local Jr. College where his coach was good but didn’t seem to promote him enough to get a position in a four-year college. So all of a sudden life’s dreams turned into working and school minus sports. His story didn’t stop like most of his peers that lived a pretend life and ended up on the streets hustling. He met his wife in the school and work context. She encouraged him to sign up for a scholarship program with University of Phoenix that had 30 slots with 800 applicants. Against all odds Anthony got the scholarship and the rest is a history of hard work, late hours and little sleep. He graduated in May with his B.A. in Business.

My real purpose in having Anthony come and talk was more to share his dreams of being a small business owner. So for a few minutes him and Shannon talked about their dreams. The teens asked the obvious how did you come up with these business ideas. I was excited that my other friend, a retired FBI guy, could hear Anthony’s story and hear about his dreams.

We transitioned to my other friend who didn’t grow up in Phoenix. He grew up in Iowa with a dad that worked for John Deer for 30 years. He wasn’t a farmer type but grew up in that type of community. He didn’t have great aspirations as a kid growing up but thought he too would work for John Deer like dad. Ultimately he went to local community college but ended up in Phoenix to attend ASU. He too had a variety of jobs as a younger person and quickly learned the secret of saving. This is a foreign concept to my teens and me, especially when I was younger. Isn’t the purpose of making money to spend it as soon as you get it?

My group was anxious for my friend to get to the real topic, “What is it like to work as a FBI agent?” He purposely took his time talking about life lessons as he grew up. What made this story interesting is that my friend doesn’t come across as a FBI type of person. Yeah, he is a very tall guy that could have been a professional athlete but didn’t. He’s very soft spoken and not someone that would draw a crowd speaking. Anthony was much better at expressing himself. Yet, as my friend unfolded his story all of us were curious to hear what was it like to do FBI work. The real question by Jalil and others was did you ever use your gun or get shot at? His response was a rather uneventful, no, I never shot anyone nor was I shot at.

He continued to explain that a good portion of his work was interrogating suspects that obviously were part of criminal investigations. He shared that his love about this job was being able to talk one on one with suspects and be able to share his personal faith journey. He last part of his career was in Phoenix as a pilot where he would be trailing a suspect in the air to help agents in the field not lose their suspects.

What I loved about his story was his choice to retire young and now devote himself to doing work for the Lord. He was quick to point out that the Bible doesn’t mention anything about retirement. His hope is to do more work with us and include his wife in the coming year. The group had lots of questions that keep the discussion going until the closing of Starbucks. We picked up all of the outside tables, chairs and umbrellas and put them inside the store. As we are finishing the wind continues to kick up with a scary lightening show behind us.

I end up talking with my friend for another 30 minutes in this sticky, humid monsoon evening. I was blessed to have 2 special friends tell their stories that definitely enriched everyone who was present, including myself. 

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