I did my usual routine this morning with rising around 5am
and loaded the dogs in the car to do our usual ride to Starbucks before Anne
goes to work. I typically get her decaffeinated coffee. As I’m listening to the
radio I hear about some guy shooting a lot of people at a showing of the new
Batman movie. I’m taken back by another e-mail from a college ministry asking
prayer for one of the gals that was shot and is now in surgery.
As I share this following that I ask you to pray about seems
like very little in comparison to what happened last night. This Saturday we
are doing an Urban Plunge Project. We have 40 Young Life Students from New
Jersey who will help paint 2 houses and a church tomorrow. Please pray that God
will use this opportunity to touch the lives of those involved. I am excited to
have many key leaders who are actually here in the summer time. YES!
My personal prayer request is for my Anne. This last week
Anne went to a specialist to get advice or help with some issues she was
having. Now she is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday morning to find out whether
she might have either cervical or ovarian cancer. I’ve tried to have a ‘happy
face’ while have I finished out the last week of our summer program. My brother
and his wife are in Brazil and we are watching their kids and our or their Mango
We will enjoy and be expectant for tomorrow’s project but my
heart is all about my Anne and what will happen on Tuesday. We are going to get
away after Saturday’s project to be together and spend some time praying
together. My dad’s situation has taught me to live one day at a time and
appreciate and cherish the time we have together, knowing that the next time I
see him he might not recognize me.
I so much appreciate your prayers for the families that have
been devastated last night, for our Urban Plunge Project tomorrow and then for
my Anne who has surgery on Tuesday and as we await for results in a week.
Oh what a blow! Praying for Anne during this difficult trial. :(