Thursday, January 10, 2013

An open letter to a friend

Dear Art,
I have had the flu bug over the last week and my brain hasn’t worked too well. I know that you had a stroke and will be at Banner Desert Hospital for some time. I know that you are mad at the doctors and probably even me, God and anyone you could hit because of not being able to talk, swallow or eat. I know that your life hasn’t been the best since I have met you. I want you to think about the bigger questions about life so this is why I’m writing you a letter. You can read it and re-read it after I’m gone or you can pitch it in the trash.

I will always remember the first time that our paths crossed and another friend of mine, James, remember he’s bald, asked you about painting your house. You were pretty quick to say NO or actually it was HELL NO. Little did you know that I was just as stubborn as you. I didn’t give up asking and after three times you said yes.

I know that you didn’t expect me to probably come back after we painted the house. Yet, God laid it on my heart to bug the hell out of you so heaven can enter into you! It has been fun having different groups come over to help. We have painted your house a couple of times. We did the pink trim in the front along with the pink handprints. We also did your ramp and had someone fix your evaporative cooler.

I had a few groups of younger kids from a Christian School come to clean up your dog mess in the backyard and whack the weeds or grass. Each time one of these groups would come over we would talk about why they were doing this and their hope, my hope that you would come to know God through Jesus Christ in a personal relationship.

I know that if I were in your shoes and couldn’t talk, swallow or eat that I might not want to live either. I don’t have any guarantee about this present life except for the fact that all of us are getting old and will die. The question is what happens after you die? What will happen if you refuse to eat or drink and the doctors agree with your desires?

I want you to come to know the one who does understand you the most and ultimately feels your pain. It is in times like this that what is most important in life comes to the forefront. I believe that God sent me into your neighborhood to be a friend, not at STRANGER over these last 4 years. I haven’t been the best friend but I have popped in often enough to see that old Art is still Art.

I know that you are a person who has cared for lots of stray animals and people. I also know that you have given to help others to a point where it hurt your situation. The one who has truly given his all for you is Jesus Christ. He is the one who has lived a perfect life in the face of rejection, slander, physical pain and then death for you and me. I deserve to be judged by God for failing to recognize His part in my life. I want the credit and glory when it all belongs to God. Jesus ends up taking the punishment I deserve for breaking God’s laws.

My hope is that you will scream out to God and ask the WHY question and for help. I can’t heal you or change your circumstances. I do know that God is more than able to give you the ability to swallow, talk and use your hands. I also know that he can help you have a better outlook on life regardless of the outcome. The question is whether you are willing to ask for his help and become his child and follower?

Art ever time our paths would cross you would say to me, “Don’t be a stranger!”. My hope is that God will now say to you, “Art you are no longer a stranger to me but my son and my friend!” 

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