Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Real Graduations

Looking back at my life there are many milestones that stand out. I know most think about graduations, i.e. kindergarten, elementary school, 8th grade, High School, College and Graduate School. Or it can be a wedding, birth of a child and then the graduation process for that child. This week has seen a few of my kids graduate from Jr. High. I know for some making a big deal about graduations is what life is all about. I can still remember last year’s graduation with Alexis and the limo. Explain to me why a bunch a kids from the ‘hood’ would raise money for a limo. I’ll never forget the expression on Alexis’ face when the limo driver explained that the group had him for 2 hours not the whole day.

The real graduations in life occur as we figure out the real meaning and path of life. I know that for me this is seeing a lot of hard work connect back to real people making better decisions that see circumstances change. We did a house-painting project a few weeks ago that saw lots of people come out and do something tangible with their faith. The end result was that a couple of houses were painted, a great picnic party happened in a park, lots of kids and adults had fun and had lunch. The following week a txt message from someone we are helping showed the real impact – a resume had been typed out and then e-mailed to one of my team members who is going to help facilitate a life-changing program.

I know that the perception of some will be that Dave loves to play games, plan big events and gather lots of volunteers, love on his kids but real life transformation isn’t happening. Last night a txt from one of the mom’s whose daughter is graduating said it best – thxs for being there for her and you and Anne are the best. The journey of life transformation is a slow and mysterious process. You can’t rush someone’s journey of discovering life and the one who has given life.

I am thankful for being allowed to be part of many kids and adult’s awakenings. I know that for me to see Andee, former wild child, actually act as if my presence at her graduation was a big deal seemed to be out of this world. A few months ago she would have been the teen to cut up, talk all the time and definitely not pay attention. Now she is someone who draws others to Jesus.

Life is exciting when you follow the One who changes lives!

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