Friday, September 10, 2010


I have always moved both as a kid and as an adult. I don’t say this to make an excuse as to why I didn’t go to my High School Reunion or go back yearly and visit my college campus it is just a fact of life. So when I have connected with a friend from college at a CCDA Conference last year I was humbled to admit I should be better at staying in touch with friends from my past. I actually attended a workshop she was leading and was taken back that she was a ‘mover and shaker’ in a significant area of doing community development work. I am in many ways still a novice learning about collaboration, community action work and having a real heart for the poor and displaced.

So it really wasn’t a surprise that at the CCDA Conference in Chicago I connected with my friend. I know that the odds of seeing someone you know at a conference that has 3000 attendees is hit and miss unless God wants you to connect. So I selfishly wanted to connect but I knew that as a presenter she was busy and had lots of pressure to do ‘her thing’ so I really didn’t expect to hang out, do dinner and share our stories.

I feel blessed to have the Lord allow me to see through someone’s heart who has literally laid her life down for the poor most of her adult life. It was rather interesting to help her a little with her iphone and a few other ‘geek’ things. I was captivated to hear her story over the last 35 years. We share many similar passions and interests. We ended up walking around quite a bit looking for a suitable eating establishment. Another friend had taken me to a yuppie health food market so we ended up there. It was rather humorous initially as the cashier botched our orders, we sat down and my friend proceeded to open up a sprite that literally exploded all over the place. After cleaning up the mess I sat and listened.

It isn’t easy to condense 35 years into a few hours of talk. Yet, both of us were able to do this sharing both our heartache stories and ‘awe’ stories. I am always taken a little back when tears flow, especially when I don’t know someone in a recent context. I felt privileged to see into a friend’s heart. I struggle at times with being transparent enough to show the ‘real’ me at times with friends. It is easy to be sarcastic or off the wall to show some emotions but not be too exposed. So I listened, which isn’t easy to do, for an hour or so. This friend’s journey was truly incredible. I was a little jealous because our paths are very different yet have converged now. I will get back to my world in Phoenix and my friend will go back to LA.

What is amazing as I was attending an offsite workshop I was able to connect with a couple of fellow attendees. One is a friend and fellow urban worker that I have known for a few years. She recognized me first and we were able to catch up. Another conversation with two ladies turned into an hour plus discussion on doing non-profit work. I was pleasantly surprised to see that we shared many things in common. I know that most likely I won’t see these gals from LA again. Yet, I encouraged one of them to e-mail, get on Facebook and stay connected as they began the process of filing for their 501-C-3.

I am truly blessed to have some amazing friends with the best and most special being my Anne.

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