Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Anne!

Yesterday was my Anne’s birthday celebration. It was a great day that started off with us going to my favorite place for breakfast early in the morning. I am always one that wants everything to be just right. I know that I am an idealist at times. So I was totally jazzed because our Julie made the perfect birthday dinner celebration. It was perfect from the ordure’s to the little bags with chocolate, perfectly cooked steak and chicken to the amazing eggplant casserole. I was already on over load but the cake was just as spectacular.

The family was together and we had a great evening together. Listening to each other’s stories and enjoying being with each other. I know that it isn’t easy to get your kids whether they are teens or adult to rise to the occasion but they did. I loved all of the different gifts and thoughtfulness that went into all of it.

We will be going out to the movies on them and to see Fiddler on the Roof. I am blessed to be the dad of such amazing kids! I truly hope that they can see the gift that they have in their mom. She is an amazing example of servant leadership!

Happy Birthday!

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