Friday, August 22, 2014

Can It Get Better?

The world is spinning out of control around me as I watch a partial video of a terrorist about to behead a journalist. I hear many sides to the issues of why there is  ongoing riots and looting in the middle of a peace march. I spent a good percentage of my day yesterday with real people that no longer have any margin for their lives. How do you help yourself or a friend when the roof always seems to be collapsing? Is an attitude adjustment all I really need?

I know that it is so easy for someone who has it together, or at least appears to be ok, to lecture or give out platitudes about making your life rock. I know that for most that struggle with depression, substance abuse or some type of trauma from their youth means that tomorrow is seldom a better day. I have incredible memories from my youth and had amazing parents. Yet, one of my friends continues to struggle with something that happened a long time ago. How is it possible for someone to be crippled or paralyzed from something that happened decades ago? Sadly, too often the victim continues to suffer long after the incident that caused the hurt.

Is it possible to still have an ok or great day if I’m financially messed up or I get a nail in my tire only to discover that it isn’t covered by my warranty? I’m learning that my mind and attitude do have a lot to do with my ability to face tough circumstances. I can’t fathom the sense of heartache and loss of the parents whose son was beheaded. They will have to choose to not allow this horrible tragedy to stop them from living but inspire them to help others see the gift of living for today.

I watched my mom over five years slowly die from cancer. What amazed me then and now is how she always ended up encouraging me when I should have been better at holding her and loving her. So how does someone who is ready to quit and give up on life get back into the action? My mom taught me that when I looked at the needs of those around me and actually showed interest and concern and shifted by focus off of myself that my life would get better. This isn’t a guarantee that circumstances will change but my ability to live through them will! Thanks mom for being an inspiration to me.

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