Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Scrambled Eggs with Syrup?

I have experienced change and heartache often in my life. I moved over 21 times as a kid with a dad in the Air Force. I have moved more than that as an adult that knows the importance of stability and having a place you can call home. Yet, the reality whether you or rich or poor is that life is full of changes. Sometimes we can plan for change with psyching ourselves up or other times we are taken by surprise and feel as if our world is caving in all around us. The later is how I felt last night.

I can’t go into details about what happened but will share a few images that will help those who are in the know understand and for others you can chuckle at what makes life special in the midst of heartache and disappointment. I know that there aren’t any guarantees in life. I watched a mom who was a special friend suffer for a decade with cancer and die in a horrible fashion and a dad who was my brain power die with a disease that took away his intellect and ability to remember.

I’m privileged to part of the lives of many kids, teens and adults that come out of difficult circumstances. I was fortunate to have a great mom and dad but most of those around me don’t have the necessities so at times life isn’t a great as it could be. Yet, what stands out are the little things we are able to experience that help my life make sense and ultimately count!

I had never been introduced to eating my eggs with syrup until this summer. Yet, some special little friends got my attention because I could cook eggs in any fashion but ultimately what they wanted was syrup smothering their breakfast. Much like I had never watched a B rated movie called Mondo Burger until a few months ago. Yet, after being indoctrinated into Mondo Burger Heaven I chuckle to myself all the time thinking about how absurd this was to watch only to remember that it was done for my little guy who I nicked named Mondo Boy.

I forgot what it was like to be a little kid until this summer. It is so easy as an adult to impose my will on those around me, especially kids and teens. I have all the power and money to make something happen or to stop something from happening. So what is wrong with eating sugar on your rice? Can’t I have my Flaming Hot Cheetos with my dinner, lunch and breakfast? The classic would be can’t I download another free game to the iPad? I would always come back and say you already have over 100 games on the pad do you really need this one too? The response would be YES I couldn’t live without this new game because it is so cool!

I know the truest test of a relationship and the power it has is not when you are with that person but when you are separated. I usually don’t cry too often but last night I was in tears and hurt. I knew that I would have to say good-bye to some special younger friends, which I wanted to do in person and not through a note or another person. Life doesn’t always play fair. It is easy to say that in the big picture that God is in control, which I totally believe, yet, during the moment I felt empty and alone, regardless of who was sitting next to me.

I won’t necessarily miss cleaning up the messes, looking for lost shoes, belts or hiding the flaming hots because they make messes but will miss the smiles, silly expressions and games we played at night before going to bed. Yeah, I’m trying to persuade myself that everything is going to be ok for my Mondo Boy but I’m crying as I’m writing this.

I can remember as a teen with girl friend issues that the easiest way to move on was to get another girlfriend that would help me forget. Yet, I don’t want to forget my little friends, as I stay busy so I don’t cry all of the time. I will always remember how my mom would put us to bed at night and pray with us. I had a dad who flew B-52’s during the Vietnam War and I never knew whether he would come home. I was at times fearful that my mom would get that phone call or visit while she was pregnant with my youngest brother. Yet, none of that ever happened and I was able to live through some pretty rough times. So I know that tomorrow will be better even though it might not be exactly what I want.

So will I start putting syrup on my scrambled or fried eggs? Maybe J I will watch Mondo Burger soon but won’t put barbeque sauce on my steak though.

1 comment:

  1. bless you both for your service and heartbreaking care! take some time and refill reload and retreat to sit at Jesus feet. You will need it for the next encounter. you are special people...I mean special!
