Monday, October 23, 2017

Fragile – handle with care, especially ME.

We live in a crazy time where a person’s self-worth, value or purpose in life can be tied to ‘things’ that ultimately don’t matter. Is my true purpose in life to accumulate fancy cars, an apple watch, latest tablet or a $1,000 smart phone I can’t afford? The #metoo has gone viral across social media affirming how women have been compromised and put in positions where they have been left wounded and alone where few will listen, believe or show concern.

I know that sadly any who show any sign of weakness are viewed as being suspect, weird or not with it. The pandemic of bullying that is taking place both in the classroom and in the workplace, is horrific! Why do so many truly believe that by demeaning another person that you have increased your worth or position in the world??

What’s so hard to comprehend is that too often the attention or focus in the media isn’t on the victim but on the perpetrator. Tragic that because of an individual’s means they can pay off or dodge the consequences of sexual assault, rape or defaming a person. It’s too easy to shame someone who hasn’t been able to ask for help and vocalize what happened to them.

Our culture’s obsession with perfection and success make it very difficult for the average person, who is you and me, to ever feel great about ourselves. We tragically allow the celeb world to define beauty and the meaning of life. The downside to this lifestyle of the rich and famous is that they are more ‘screwed up’ than the average person. Yet, we are pressured to confirm to a life that doesn’t work for anyone. So, no wonder there is an ongoing struggle in our society with self-worth and value.

What genuinely gives meaning, purpose and worth to life? I so much appreciate the Apostle Paul’s statement in the Bible that we are earthen vessels that are cracked so that the inner essence can shine forth. That personhood that is real and has flesh, heart and soul also is God’s gift to mankind, Jesus Christ. It’s through the powerful presence of God’s Spirit in me and you that we better come to understand the essence of life and why we were created to be incredible human beings with a place and purpose!

Respect, unfortunately has become an alien notion that everyone is more obsessed with personal achievement than having an interest in each other’s personal circumstances. I believe what becomes the common denominator in life isn’t our achievements but our fragileness. I know that when I become transparent and venerable that a friend is more likely to open up about the ‘real stuff’!

Yes, I’m fragile and appreciate being handled with care and concern!

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