Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Merits of a Good Vacation

We had an amazing opportunity to get away, really away to the North West and enjoy the San Juan Islands this week. We have taken vacations of different kinds over the years, you know family vacations with the kids, long road trips, (longest was 2 weeks and 5000 miles), visits with family which aren’t really vacations and then those special ones like our 25th anniversary trip to India for 3 weeks. So because of planning and some help from some friends we have been recharged by getting away to an area that is so totally different from home for us, i.e. the desert and Phoenix.

There is a side of me that truly feels guilty being spoiled. Its not that I am against vacations, I have truly enjoyed this get away, it is more the economics of working with people who have very little and I have lots which often I waste. I have this conviction that God truly is the one who provides and wants all of his children to experience his rich blessings and bounty. The challenge is that those who typically have continue to receive more because of circumstances that at times has little to with them and those who have little always seem to have less and be in situations that they can’t change.

I know that Jesus very often would go out early in the morning to be alone, pray and just enjoy being out. I also know at times that Jesus actually avoided the crowds, the noise and busyness of normal life. I tell myself often that I need little times of siesta or reflection every day. I also tell myself that I need to kidnap my wife at least once a month for something special so we can get away from cell phones, e-mail, ical and the rush of life.

As we pack up to continue our vacation in a totally different spot it reminds me that it takes planning and forethought to make things happen. There is a side of my that does like spontaneous things but I know that any significant trip or event takes planning that involves expenses and interacting with others to secure something out of the extra ordinary. We will drive tonight after an amazing dinner to see relatives in Portland for a few days before driving back to Seattle to fly home in a few days.

I have been reminded of the importance of friendships, letting my better half talk, doing nothing on purpose and being able to nap, sleep in till at least 6:30 and also allowing others to plan and control what happens. I know that I have been on the ‘giving side’ of doing mercy work for the last three years and do need at times to let others give to me and teach me how to receive in a gracious fashion. It isn’t a weakness to need a vacation it is only human. God seems to have given the better example of resting in the creation process.

I am thankful and blessed to have great friends who care enough to make a great get away happen. The ocean, wind and fresh air have been amazingly refreshing and fun. Jesus now I better understand how you could nap on a boat while your disciples frantically tried to get you to the other side. I have enjoyed allowing a few friends to do the ‘paddling’ while I have feasted and been refreshed.

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