Monday, September 7, 2015

Dirty hands will shape our future!

What will impact the world around you the most? Talk, talk, talk….. or jumping into the fray and doing something that causes your hands to get dirty? What stands out most among the crowd isn’t what you’ve said but what you have done! My mom would always tell me that talk is cheap and easy for almost anyone to do. Yet, the person that chooses to do what others were talking about was the one who would make a real impact in our world.

So what stops more people from getting their hands dirty and be willing to step in the sh_t that comprises what is called life? I have great memories of my mom almost forcing me to play outside, dig ditches and make big mountains with dirt. As I got older she became terrified when she saw our massive tunnel we had dug in the side of the mountain. (It was almost 50 feet long with a massive sitting area.) It took the Base Commander, his son was a best friend and fellow excavator, with some airmen and a big ‘Bull Dozer’ to undo the tunnels we had dug. Yes, we got in trouble but it was sooo worth it!

So stop being fearful of getting dirt on your hands and be part of seeing the future come to you today not years down the road.  What stops too many from diving into the fray is that they have been taught that everything has to be perfect before you attempt anything. I have come to see that being a practitioner requires taking risks where failure is part of your life experience where choosing to keep your hands dirty, keep trying and moving is what makes life happen.

Most will sit on the sidelines of life with clean hands still believing that everything has to be perfect before they can take their first step. This is one of life’s saddest tragedies where we wait for life to happen instead of stepping up and digging into the mud that our hands will shape into an incredible adventure called life!

Get your hands dirty NOW don’t wait till tomorrow!

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