Thursday, September 22, 2011


My life revolves around the drama that is both a by product of volunteers and those whom we are loving and helping. This last week I was mean and forced or you might say empowered a couple of teens to get registered in school and get back on track after missing a couple of months. I know that one of the uncles is going to lose it and get mad at me. He wanted his nephew to attend a different school. The reality is that they never followed through to make this possible and it wasn't a good fit and was too far away.

I just spent an hour listening to a mom who had her kids taken away from her because of drama in the household and drama caused by the X. I totally understand her frustration with the system and the requirements, i.e. drug testing, to get her kids back. She is first to admit that in the past she had done some foolish things but I believe is back on track. The challenge is that her past still impacts her present. It is so difficult to help older teens who are out of control and tend to lend younger teens outside the desired path of life. So what do you do to see life improve? You choose to do the right thing whether it feels good or is convenient.

I also received a couple of e-mails from volunteers who were back out with working with the teens/kids. I react sometimes to the selfishness, myself include, of how we choose to fill our time. I know that one mom is struggling with life issues, having to work, pay for a college education for one of their kids and then find time for family. I think I would have been ok if this person had respond to my inquiries about participation but after a couple of months I figured either something was wrong or they had moved. Another young gal had clearly dove into getting involved without assessing her time commitment with home, job and other interests. I do get my hopes up when I meet individuals who do know how to relate well with my kids and grandmas who live in the neighborhood.

As is usual the case God brings someone new when someone else walks. I am so thankful for the Rogers and Lou's who help out and don't complain and love what they are doing.

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