Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Friends

Over the last few years God has blessed me with the time and openness to meet and make new friends who become partners in what we do in South Phoenix. It has been exciting to see how little things, connecting with a Jr. High, painting with a youth group or helping a student connects me with real people, organizations and key leaders. Little did I imagine that a youth mom would end up being part of a family business that does high-end videos or that casually talking with a principal at a school would end up with a partnership that will transform the school and help New City.

Yesterday was awesome because so excitement in the adults I met and talked about getting involved and making a difference. It is refreshing to be around people who are passionate and care about making a difference. The challenge with the new friends I have made is that they get it when it comes to being broader in your approach to church or community service, yet the people they relate back to aren’t able to see the ‘forest’ from the ‘trees’ so this ensues the real work before me.

Looking back I know that painting a house wasn’t rocket science or anything special in life or neighborhood transformation. Yet, volunteers come out and 50 houses have been painted. Not everyone whose house is painted necessarily understands what we are doing nor the people who help but God has created a culture where volunteerism and servant leadership are more of a reality. This is especially true for my teens!

What I am learning is that I’m only one person and can only do so much. Yes, I am capable of being a networker maniac but can only be one person in one place. As I have watched a handful of college students get involved it is so cool to see my passion and vision being lived out through these new volunteers. Just like having an infusion of 150 volunteers on a Saturday means we gets lots of work done in a short time and no one is stressed. At times it is too easy but God reminds me often that he is the one who draws people together and provides the means for life transformation.

My dream now is to better understand the moms of some of my teens who have stalled or stayed in neutral too long. How do I connect with someone who is wounded, jealous and full of anger? I love to fight so it isn’t easy for me to step back and just listen. The needs and circumstances are so overwhelming. I have a grandma who is in horrible health and almost at the verge of loosing her house. I have teens who are melting down because the dad is away for work or an older sibling is too controlling and mean. I know that at times my simple approach of seeking forgiveness, working on reconciliation and loving the unlovable isn’t a given to many.

As I finished talking to a friend at a distance it helps me better understand the amazing blessings I have received and opportunities for impact a teen, grandma or struggling mom.

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