Thursday, October 30, 2014

Boring or Colorful?

During the summer time I had the opportunity to visit San Diego, our second home and while enjoying the beach decided to go for it and get a few new beach T-shirts. My choice might be rather surprising to some but I selected the eye-catching colors of bright orange and bright green or lime. What is even more fun or surprising is that my new jogging shoes have a bright green overtone with laces that jump out at you and my other new pair is similar but the same orange as my T-shirt. I’ve decided that it’s time to enjoy some spice and color in your life! Why stick with the same usual choices and come across as rather bland or boring.

I found a great quote on LinkedIn that shows a picture of an old motel sign with the following, “Life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself!” I tire of hearing people moan and groan about their lives and then do little to bring or seek change. This isn’t a race or socio-economic ‘thing’ but a common malady in our society. I have friends both young and old who are so afraid to add color or spice to their life. So instead they settle for a rather mundane existence and then blame circumstances for their lack of initiative.

Yesterday I had one of those days that at the end I’m glad I can put on my shocking lime green hoodie and take the dogs for a walk at night. I was blessed to have one of my moms in need actually repay me some money that I had given her to keep her lights shinning. I quickly texted her back and helped her see that her choice to give back meant someone later in the day would have that money be put on her empower card so her lights could keep shinning. Adding color or spice to your life can help see changes start to happen.

We do live in an age where remotes and smartphones have taken over. Yes, life can be so much easier if you don’t have to get up to do anything, yet, the downside is that we don’t get up and do anything. I go in circles with a few 20 somethings about how you make life change. What is so puzzling, very different from my youth, is that it is so easy to live in a ‘stall mode’ and allow totally circumstantial things cripple you. I wasted an hour arguing with a younger friend about why he should he a cell phone if he really wants to be employed. His response, which ultimately pushed my button, was totally circuitous and pointless. He wanted his freedom but was willing to live off of others, mostly me and then live a hand to mouth existence.

If you want to see life happen then clearly get off the couch, get some bright colors going and then do something that counts for yourself and those around. Otherwise put back on that same bland hoodie and those stinky shoes and stay on the couch searching for the remote. 

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