Sunday, December 14, 2014

'Scumbags and Moral Conscience'

I know that the recent comment made by former NBA superstar Charles Barkley caused much ranker amongst most in the African American Community. Yet, Barkley’s grandma gave her grandson insight into real life and this must get our attention! If someone is purposely breaking the laws regardless of circumstances then they have lost their moral sense and according to Charles should be called ‘scumbags’. We can laugh or debate on national T.V. but the reality is that individuals that have made poor choices devoid of moral accountability have caused most of the recent shootings. The consequence of their lack of moral conscience is they challenge the authority of the police and end up being shot and unfortunately in some situations are killed.

Why does the media fixate on the actions of those without common sense or a moral conscience? I attended a recent graduation at Grand Canyon University this last week. It was exciting to see a close friend that helps with tutoring at risk youth get her teaching degree. What amazed me was that the majority of those walking came out of either a Hispanic or African American background.  Why is it that evening the focus on the late night news was still on ‘low life’ types that choose to live on the edge. Why does the media miss the 500 that graduated with a degree and a passion for life and instead give attention to those lacking a moral compass?

Why can’t there be more marches or rallies for individuals who choose to do life right and follow their God given moral conscience? Imagine what this would be like, a march that actually promotes common sense, moral excellence and real servant leadership? I can’t fathom that any type of outspoken movement for moral integrity would ever see someone shot, a building torched or the police presence have riot gear to protect themselves from the peaceful marchers.

The sad tragedy is that once we have thrown out our moral compass then evil triumphs and people start believing that only evil can overcome evil. Why have we ignored the advice of our grandparents when it comes to life choices and then make excuses for breaking the law? Is it really plausible to blame my choices on something that happened a hundred years ago? Yes, racism still exists and in many ways there are modern forms of slavery but the real test of character is when someone rises above their circumstances and does what is right instead of what will get the media’s attention.

I know that in the past I wasn’t much of a fan of Mr. Barkley because his ‘big’ mouth would usually push my button. Yet, Mr. Barkley didn’t mince with words this time and spoke the truth that wasn’t accepted by those that don’t have much of a moral conscience.  I know it isn’t popular nor politically correct but as grandma would say, ‘If the shoe fits wear it’, so the ongoing dialogue about calling criminal actions criminal must continue. The real test is when those who believe they still have a moral compass end up calling evil good and good evil. The legacy of our grandparent’s morality is soon to be replaced by an amoral generation whose moral compass mistakes north for south!

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