Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Morning

I reflect on how some kids/people always look great from the outside but in reality are a mess but don’t show it very often. I have a few little kids that we do lots of things with and after being around them for 1-2 years they are definitely part of the family. I have a special heart for this one little guy. Let’s call him Steve. He comes out of a family that is hurting. He really hasn’t had a dad since he was very little. So life all of a sudden comes crashing in on him.

I can’t fathom what it would have been like to grow up without a dad. I know even more so that having a dad who promises to come and do things with you and then doesn’t show will have an impact on anyone regardless of age. I moved every couple of years as a kid because my dad was in the Air Force. I was blessed to have a mom who was proactive and didn’t give me a choice but to make new friends literally the first day we moved onto a new base. She never gave me an opportunity to be down or out of it.

So my little friend Steve has now changed schools to get away from the bullies and be in a better environment. Yet, his sister is now in middle school and he is left behind. He is having difficulty wanting to go to school, stay in school and has strange feelings. So how do you help someone in a broken family? I have asked a few older friends to hang out with him. I know that this won’t replace a dad, heal a broken family or help him face school everyday.

I am learning that I have to open my eyes to see the impact that sin has on everyone, including little boys with fathers. I was truly blessed to have, still have an awesome dad who gave a framework for life that I can’t imagine not having.

Pray for my little friend that he would see God as being his Father and that life isn’t going to be perfect but that he has a mom and grandma who love him dearly.

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