Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Deserving vs. Undeserving

I have been asked often how I select whose houses we are going to paint. I know that in my past involvement with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) there was a very strict criteria. Each family or individual being considered had to have a list of references, credit check; partnership commitment for sweat equity and the list goes on. I know that Rebuilding Together of AZ only chooses to paint homes of those who are seniors on fixed incomes. I believe that both of these organizations have chosen correctly for what they are doing. New City/Barrio is different we are all about God’s grace, mercy and unconditional Love.

Consider with me how Jesus totally shocks his family, friends and religious leaders. He is viewed by most as someone who not only hangs out with tax collects, sinners and drunks but also appears to favor them over more normal people. The obvious question is why? Is God’s grace really capable of saving a murderer, rapist or thief? I truly believe that in the hearts and minds of most we cringe if we hear of someone who is on death row having a conversion experience. We wonder whether it is possible for God to transform someone like this. The logic follows that they really don’t deserve to be helped, transformed or welcomed into heaven. So it isn’t too difficult to see how we come up with our own criteria for those whom God should love and make part of his family.

I can recite the doctrinal notion of total depravity or that I am a 100% grade A sinner but I don’t necessarily believe that refers to me. I’m not like the guy across the street, who beats his wife, gets drunk all of the time or deals drugs out of his garage. So if God had to choose between him, and me it would be clear that I am the more worthy recipient of his grace and mercy.

So is it wrong to choose to help someone who doesn’t necessarily fit the ‘grid’ of being someone that is perceived as being worthy of assistance? I at times do things to ‘ruffle’ the feathers of others to test and see whether they really understand that grace and mercy do mean that I am loved when I am still God’s enemy deserving of judgment and ultimately hell. How am I going to connect with those outside the kingdom if I don’t choose to be around them and at times surprise the religious leaders of my day by loving on someone that is on the edge or off. What I am doing is different from HFH because we aren’t investing a large sum of funds, volunteer hours and an example to the community. If anything we are almost the opposite we want to show grace in the neighborhood by maybe helping someone that is loved by most.

I can remember the first house or two we did in our present neighborhood. Mrs. Jefferson has become a dear friend and prayer partner. I will always remember her response when I asked her who was the person she struggled most in her neighborhood. After she told me then I said I think we need to paint her house and show grace. Little did either of us expect that after painting her house we would connect with all of her sisters and their families in this little neighborhood? I know that I will be second guessed at times as we help people like Richard, a cousin, who isn’t all there and isn’t very able to do much of anything whereas the Ora, Felicias and others we have helped are really the great models of individuals who have stepped up under adverse circumstances to do what is right vs. what is the easy way out.

Our last painting blitz was a great surprise because all of the families actually helped themselves get ready for the blitz I didn’t do anything but drop off supplies and paint. I am so pleased that all of the families both helped and watch a large group of my friends volunteer to paint their homes. I truly believe that God’s grace and mercy were revealed one stroke at a time as hundreds of hands painted seven houses in a few hours. I know that I do like to be liked and even admired for what we do. Yet, Jesus is a constant reminder of one who told his followers that if they attacked me they will attack you. Jesus was known as someone who was soft of the ‘bad people’ and seeming attacked the righteous. I am not Jesus but see his heart and incredible example of living out God’s unconditional love.

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