Friday, June 6, 2014

When it rains, you get wet!

Have you ever had this mind set that when things happen they always happen in threes or multiple times. My mom use to say that it should be obvious that when there are clouds out you at some point will get wet so don’t be surprised or act shocked. I also know that when you choose to be an advocate or helper for someone in need that it goes in cycles. This week I’ve had a couple of unusual things happen where someone will see me and start talking to me as if we are close friends. I was checking out at Fresh and Easy and this teen that is new at F &E, acted as if I was a good friend. She clearly knew what I did and others involved. As I thanked her I realized who she was and I was grateful she had recognized me.

A few days ago we were at the rec center with most of the group playing basketball. I had a similar experience happen where an older guy, not a teen, was playing basketball and as he was flying by me said hi. Next thing I know he’s asking me questions about everyone, including my Anne, as if he is a close friend. This time I’m really clueless about who he is. What was funny with this whole situation is one of my interns was giving this guy the once over because he was cute but actually a very articulate individual.

Another day I was at a McDonalds with some of my little guys doing a guy’s group. As we are finishing I see this older version of a young gal who I hadn’t seen for a couple of years. I was pleasantly surprised and talked with her mom and then with her. It was such a great blessing to reconnect with this one teen that was already a mom of a little guy. She actually has reconnected with us and actually came to a Life Group the following day.

I know that at times it is too easy to allow the busyness of life stop you from doing what’s really important. I have lots of distractions that are actually good things but in the mist of those I need to be more able to see the few things that are most important to focus upon. It is too easy at times to think that cleaning up a mess or evening blogging is more important than a person in need. I’m usually pretty good about remembering names but I now see the even bigger role that remembering a name makes when you see someone from your past. I also admit that it is rather easy to just ask the obvious question, ‘What’s your name? It’s been a while.’

I’m in the middle of a tough situation, which involves a lot of people, where a lot of emotions, stress, frustration and anger can get the better of you. So I’m thankful that I had a mom who taught be to be prepared for the rainy days where you actually get drenched. It shouldn’t be a surprise that stuff happens at times that is beyond our control. What is in our control is how we choose to respond to our circumstances.

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